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Visa Information in English

Pässe mit verschiedenen Visa, © Colourbox
Please book an appointment through our booking system.
New slots are activated regularly. Unfortunately it is not possible to make an appointment by e-mail or phone.
Please only send us an email with a request for an appointment if you have a pre-approval („Vorabzustimmung“) from the immigration authorities according to the accelerated skilled worker procedure.
For short-term stays (maximum of 90 days, e.g. for a holiday or business trip), non-EU-nationals need a residence permit as well as a valid national passport. The application of a visitors-visa can be omitted.
Foreigners who have entered the Schengen area with a valid visa, can only extend their stay in Belgium with the city council responsible for their domicile, regardless of where the initial visa was issued. The embassy cannot renew a visa.
For long-term stays (more than 90 days, e.g. to attend University, work or join a Family member) in Germany, non-EU-nationals need a visa.
National visas are issued for long-term stays for a particular purpose. Usually issued for 90 days, such visas may be issued for up to a year in certain cases. After entering Germany, visa holders must apply for a residence permit as a general rule.
Preparing your application
You should start preparing your application as soon as you have plans to stay long term in Germany. The entire visa application process can take several months.
Please prepare your application as follows:
⬜Please fill out and print the visa application form and bring one copy of it to your appointment.
⬜Please compile your application documents. You can find the information sheets for your respective purpose of stay here:
Student Visa
Please prepare the following documents for your student visa (original + 1 copy per document):
- completed application form
- valid national passport
- valid Belgium residence card
- a residence certificate from the respective Belgian municipality (Certificat de résidence historique/Getuigschrift van woonst historiek)
- letter of admission from German university
- proof of language proficiency in German (or in English, if you prove, that the course is only held in English) or proof of registration for a language course
- Curriculum vitae of professional career, specifying the certificates, diplomas, etc. you have obtained
- proof of other academic qualifications, if applicable
- cover letter of the applicant explaining the exact purpose and duration of stay
- proof of means of subsistence
- proof of blocked bank account in Germany as evidence that you are able to meet your living costs, the mandatory sum that must be deposited to the blocked bank account is 11.208 € / from September 1st, 2024: 11.904 € (more information on blocked accounts you find here).
- or „formal obligation“ (according to §§ 66-68 German Residence Act) from
- or scholarship for studies in Germany
- proof of health insurance for Germany
- 1 biometrical passport photo (not older than 6 months)
- Visa fee of 75,00 € (cash or by Visa-/Mastercard, Bancontact is not possible)
Please make sure that your documents are complete, as incomplete applications may be rejected. In case your degrees/diplomas are not in German, English or French, please provide a translation into German. We reserve the right to ask for additional documents at any time during the application process whenever deemed appropriate.
To hand in your application, please book an appointment on our website via this link.
Visa for researchers/scientists
This information is addressed to you if you have a Master's degree/doctoral degree and if you wish to do a research project in Germany (e.g. a doctorate that is not within the framework of a full-time course of study). You may also read the leaflet „Informationen für Forschungseinrichtungen“. (Information for research institutes, though only available in German).
If you meet the requirements for both the visa for researchers and the EU Blue Card, you have the right to choose. If you opt for the EU Blue Card, please provide the documents mentioned under „EU Blue Card“.
Please prepare the following documents for your research visa (original + 1 copy per document):
- completed application form
- valid national passport
- valid Belgian residence permit
- current certificate of residence of the Belgian authorities (Certificat de résidence historique/ Getuigschrift van woonst historiek)
- Hosting agreement in accordance with § 38f AufentV or a contract of the same content with the research institution
- if the research institution is not mainly financed by public funds: commitment of the research institution to take over costs that may incur to authorities up to six months after the end of the hosting agreement for subsistence during an unauthorised stay in the European Union and for deportation (§ 18 d para. 1 no. 2 AufenthG)
- tabular CV
- university degrees
- Proof of health insurance cover for Germany
- 1 biometrical passport photo (not older than 6 months)
- Visa fee of 75,00 € (cash or by Visa or Mastercard, Bancontact is not possible)
Please make sure that your documents are complete, as incomplete applications may be rejected. In case your degrees/diplomas are not in German, English, Dutch or French, please provide a translation.
In some cases, the submission of additional documents may be required.
To hand in your application, please book an appointment on our website via this link.
Visa for an internship (for a period longer than 3 months)
Please prepare the following documents for your visa (original + 1 copy per document):
- application form
- valid national passport
- valid Belgium residence card
- a residence certificate from Belgian authorities (Certificat de résidence - historique/Getuigschrift van woonst - historiek)
- a curriculum vitae in table format
- proof of current studies and, if already graduated, of acquired academic degree
- if available: proof of knowledge of the German/English language, e.g. language certificates
- an agreement with the host institution with the following contents:
- a description of the internship’s programme, including the educational goal or the learning components
- specification of the duration of the internship
- the conditions for the internship and the terms of the intern’s supervision
- the intern’s working hours
- the legal relationship between the intern and the host institution
- remuneration
- depending on the individual case:
- agreement of the Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit)
- proof that the internship is mandatory within the framework of the study programme
- proof of grant, scholarship or participation in an exchange programme
- if remuneration or grant is not sufficient to cover the cost of living, proof of other financial means
- declaration of commitment by the host institution to assume all costs incurred by public bodies up to six months after the termination of the internship agreement for the intern’s subsistence during an unauthorised stay in the Federal Republic of Germany and a deportation of the intern (Residence Act, Section 16e, Paragraph 1, No. 5)
- proof of health insurance for Germany
- 1 biometrical passport photograph (not older than 6 months)
- Visa fee of 75,00 € (cash or by Visa-/Mastercard, Bancontact is not possible)
If your diplomas are not in English, German, French or Dutch, please provide a translation.
In some cases, the submission of additional documents may be required.
To hand in your application, please book an appointment on our website via this link.
The scope of legal bases for an internship visa is very broad. Please contact us if you are not sure which documents to provide.
Consultation by phone is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m.
For all work visa applications you need to submit this declaration to be filled in by the employer: Declaration to be filled in by the employer.
Work Visa for qualified professionals with university degree or vocational training
Please prepare the following documents for your visa (original + 1 copy per document):
- application form, duly completed (see on our website)
- valid national passport
- valid Belgium residence card
- a residence certificate from the Belgian city hall (Certificat de residence historique/Getuigschrift van woonst historiek)
- a declaration to be filled in by your employer (Erklärung zum Beschäftigungsverhältnis)
- curriculum vitae of professional career, specifying the certificates, diplomas, etc. you have obtained
- in case of an university degree: proof of comparability of a foreign diploma. If you want to know whether your diploma is comparable to a German diploma or recognised as equivalent, please check the ANABIN database
- in case of a vocational/professional qualification: if you have a foreign degree, please attach the decision of recognition. For more information about recognition of degrees, please consult this website.
- proof of health insurance for Germany
- 1 biometrical passport photo (not older than 6 months)
- Visa fee of 75,00 € (cash or by Visa-/Mastercard, Bancontact is not possible)
Please make sure that your documents are complete, as incomplete applications may be rejected. If your diplomas are not in English, German, French or Dutch, please provide a translation.
In some cases, the submission of additional documents may be required.
In case the applicant is 45 years old or more, append proof of an already existing pension scheme/retirement provisions.
General information is available at the website of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees and also here.
To hand in your application, please book an appointment on our website via this link.
If you wish to apply for a visa for other family members, please book an additional appointment for each family member and check the information on „Family reunion visa“.
Consultation by phone is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m.
EU Blue Card Entry visa
The EU Blue Card allows third-country nationals with a university degree to take up employment in Germany according to their qualifications. The EU Blue Card, like all longer-term residence permits, is issued exclusively by the relevant immigration authority in Germany. You can apply for a national visa, which is required in advance, at the embassy.
General information on the EU Blue Card is available at the website of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees and also here where you will also find the currently valid minimum salary rates for an EU Blue Card.
Please prepare the following documents for your visa (original + 1 copy per document):
- application form, duly completed (see on our website)
- valid national passport
- valid Belgium residence card
- a residence certificate from the Belgian city hall (Certificat de residence historique/Getuigschrift van woonst historiek)
- a declaration to be filled in by your employer (Erklärung zum Beschäftigungsverhältnis)
- curriculum vitae of professional career, specifying the certificates, diplomas, etc. you have obtained
- university degree; in case you have a foreign diploma: proof of comparability. In order to know whether your foreign university degree is recognized in Germany or comparable to a German university degree, please consult the ANABIN database
- proof of health insurance for Germany
- 1 biometrical passport photograph (not older than 6 months)
- Visa fee of 75,00 € (cash or by Visa-/Mastercard, Bancontact is not possible)
Please make sure that your documents are complete, as incomplete applications may be rejected. If your diplomas are not in English, German, French or Dutch, please provide a translation.
In some cases, the submission of additional documents may be required.
To hand in your application, please book an appointment on our website via this link.
If you wish to apply for a visa for other family members, please book an additional appointment for each family member and check the information on „Family reunion visa“.
Consultation by phone is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m.
The opportunity card is a new feature in the German Residence Act allowing eligible people to come to Germany to look for a job. As well as looking for a job, successful applicants can also take part in additional training for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications in Germany.
There are two ways to obtain the opportunity card:
- Third-country nationals who can prove full equivalence of their foreign qualification and are thus considered to be skilled workers can receive an opportunity card without meeting any other special requirements if they provide evidence that they can support themselves.
- All other applicants have to provide proof that they have completed a degree from a foreign university, an at least two-year vocational qualification (both of which need to be officially recognised by the country in which they were completed) or a vocational qualification issued by one of the German Chambers of Commerce Abroad. In addition, applicants need to have either basic German (level A1) or intermediate English skills (level B2). If these requirements are met, varying numbers of points can be collected for criteria such as recognition of the qualification in Germany, language skills, professional experience, age and connection to Germany, as well as an eligible civil partner or spouse who is accompanying you. You need at least 6 points to be granted the opportunity card.
The opportunity card is issued for a maximum of one year provided you can support yourself for this period. During your time looking for a job in Germany, you can complete work trials or engage in secondary employment for a maximum of 20 hours per week.
You can find out more about the opportunity card (including a self-check) as well as general information on living and working in Germany here.
Please prepare the following documents for your visa application (original + 1 copy per document):
- completed application form
- valid national passport
- valid Belgian residence card
- a residence certificate from the respective Belgian municipality (Certificat de résidence/Getuigschrift van woonst)
- curriculum vitae of professional career, specifying the certificates, diplomas, etc. you have obtained
- a letter of motivation providing information on the intended job research (sector, region, intended place of residence/accommodation etc.)
- proof of means of subsistence (for example bank details of the past 3 months or proof of opening a blocked account in Germany, etc.), each applicant must have at least EUR 1,027 per month available for his/her stay in Germany
- proof of health insurance for Germany
- 1 biometrical passport photo (not older than 6 months)
- Visa fee of 75,00 € (cash or by Visa-/Mastercard, Bancontact is not possible)
Have you completed German vocational training or a degree from a German university? Or foreign vocational training or a degree from a foreign university which are recognised in Germany? Then you are considered a skilled worker pursuant to Section 18 III Residence Act and you do not need to collect points to get the opportunity card. Please provide proof of your qualification as a skilled worker in the form of:
- certificate of vocational training in Germany or of a degree from a university in Germany or
- recognition of the equivalence of the foreign vocational qualification from the respective agency for recognition or
- recognition of the equivalence of the foreign university degree (printout of the ANABIN database) or
- if the qualification is not assessed as „entspricht“ (comparable) or „gleichwertig“ (equivalent) and/or the institution is not classified as „H+“: statement of comparability by the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) or
- in the case of regulated professions in which permission is required to exercise the profession, for example, doctors, engineers: permission to exercise a profession issued by the authority responsible for recognizing qualifications or notice of partial recognition / deficit notice for your vocational qualification
If you are not a skilled worker, you have to meet and prove the following requirements:
- Foreign vocational training qualification as well as certificate issued by the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) regarding your foreign vocational training qualification or notice of partial recognition /deficit notice for your vocational qualification or
- Foreign university degree certificate as well as proof of state recognition of university qualification either in the form of recognition of (conditional) comparability of the foreign university degree (printout from the anabin database or if the degree is not assessed as „entspricht“ (comparable) or „gleichwertig“ (equivalent) and/or the institution is not classified as „H+“: statement of comparability by the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) or
- Vocational qualification issued by one of the German Chambers of Commerce Abroad with the relevant confirmation from the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training BIBB
- Language skills: certificate of your knowledge of the German language (at least A1) or of the English language (at least B2)
- Points for the opportunity card: www.make-it-in-germany.de
Please make sure that your documents are complete, as incomplete applications may be rejected. In case your degrees/diplomas are not in German, English, Dutch or French, please provide a translation.
In some cases, the submission of additional documents may be required.
To hand in your application, please book an appointment on our website via this link.
For consultation by phone, please call on Tuesdays or Thursdays between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m.
Visa for voluntary services
Please prepare the following documents for your research visa (original + 1 copy per document):
- completed application form (see website)
- valid national passport
- valid Belgian residence permit
- current certificate of residence issued by the Belgian authorities (Certificat de résidence/Getuigschrift van woonst)
- contract / agreement of your voluntary service in Germany
- if the contract/confirmation does not contain details of your accommodation and board: supplementary proof of means of subsistence
- Letter of motivation with details of your career prospects after your voluntary service
- Tabular Curriculum vitae
- Proof of basic knowledge of the German language or confirmation from the assignment location that language skills will be waived for the time being and that you will be able to acquire language skills through language courses after entering Germany
- Proof of existing travel health insurance cover for the period between your entry into Germany and the start of your voluntary service.
- 1 biometric passport photo (not older than 6 months)
- Visa fee of 75,00 € (cash or by Visa or Mastercard, Bancontact is not possible)
Please make sure that your documents are complete, as incomplete applications may be rejected. In case your degrees/diplomas are not in German, English, Dutch or French, please provide a translation.
In some cases, the submission of additional documents may be required.
To hand in your application, please book an appointment on our website via this link.
For consultation by phone, please call on Tuesdays or Thursdays between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m.
Working Holiday Visa
This program aims at enabling young people to gain an insight into the culture and daily life of the Federal Republic of Germany, allowing them to travel to Germany for a stay of up to 12 months.
General Conditions:
- be between 18 and 30 years old
- duration of stay: maximum 1 year
- be a citizen of Australia, Argentina, Chile, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, Canada or Uruguay
Please prepare the following documentation for your visa application (original + 1 copy per document):
- completed application form (see on our website)
- valid national passport
- proof of sufficient funds (bank statements of the last three months)
- Curriculum vitae including address and means of contact
- cover letter from the applicant explaining the exact purpose and duration of stay
- if applicable proof of accommodation and transport, e.g. hotel reservation, flight reservation/train reservation
- proof of health insurance for Germany for the entire stay
- 1 recent passport photo (not older than 6 months)
- Visa fee of 75,00 € (cash or by Visa-/Mastercard, Bancontact is not possible)
Please make sure that your documents are complete, as incomplete applications may be rejected. In case your degrees/diplomas are not in German, English, French or Dutch please provide a translation into German. We reserve the right to ask for additional documents at any time during the application process whenever deemed appropriate.
To hand in your application, please book an appointment on our website via this link.
Consultation by phone is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m.
Visa for Au-Pair
General requirements:
You must be between 18 and 26 years of age at the time of application.
Duration of employment: minimum of 6 months but no more than 12 months.
The main language of the host family must be German.
At least one child of the host family must be a minor.
You cannot apply as Au-Pair to related family.
Please prepare the following documents for your Au-Pair visa (original + 1 copy per document):
- application form, duly completed (see on our website)
- valid national passport
- valid Belgian residence permit
- a current residence certificate by the Belgian authorities (Certificat de residence historique/ Getuigschrift van woonst historiek)
- C.V. including your full address and availability
- Au-Pair Contract, signed by both the Au-Pair and the host family (photocopy is sufficient if the contract was established by an agency with an RAL quality label).
- A signed letter of motivation written in German concerning your motives for coming to Germany for an Au-Pair employment as well as your future plans after terminating your stay
- Proof of basic knowledge of German (min. A1 level)
- Proof of professional/educational qualifications (e.g. certificate of study, university degree)
- Proof of a health insurance for Germany
- Signed declaration confirming that you have received and read the leaflet for Au-Pair
- 1 biometric passport photo (not older than 6 months)
- Visa fee of 75,00 € (cash or by Visa-/Mastercard, Bancontact is not possible)
Please make sure that your documents are complete, as incomplete applications may be rejected. In case your degrees/diplomas are not in German, English or French, please provide a translation into German. We reserve the right to ask for additional documents at any time during the application process whenever deemed appropriate.
To hand in your application, please book an appointment on our website via this link.
Consultation by phone is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m.
Family reunion visa (Spouses)/visa for marriage
Please prepare the following documents for your family reunion visa (original + 1 copy per document):
- completed application form (see our webpage)
- valid national passport
- valid Belgian residence permit
- residence certificate including the family members from the respective Belgian municipality (composition de ménage/attest gezinssamenstelling)
- marriage certificate
- when married in Belgium: Multilingual and monolingual certificate. The certificate must not be older than three months.
- marriage certificate from other countries: please check comments on certificates further down
- If a religious marriage certificate has been issued, submit this as well.
- In case you or your spouse are divorced: certificate of divorce with legal validity note. See also further down. If available: Recognition of divorce for German law
- recent residence certificate of spouse in Germany (Meldebescheinigung)
- if your spouse is a German or EU citizen: certified copy or original of German passport or identity card
- if your spouse is a third country citizen: certified copy or original of foreign passport and the residence permit for Germany
- if you are not yet married: certificate of the German registry office (Standesamt) confirming an appointment for the wedding ceremony
- proof of basic knowledge of the German language by means of a A1 certificate by a certified testing body of the „Association of Language Testers in Europe“ (ALTE). These are at the moment the following certificates: „Start Deutsch 1“ of the Goethe-Institut or of the telc GmbH, „Grundstufe Deutsch 1“ of the „Österreichisches Sprachdiplom (ÖSD), “TestDaF„ of TestDaF-Instituts e. V. Please find more information and exemptions from the obligation to submit a proof knowledge of the German language here.
Please make sure that your documents are complete, as incomplete applications may be rejected. If you do not dispose of a multilingual version of your marriage certificate and if your documents are not in English, German, French or Dutch, please provide a translation into German.
For foreign documents, an apostille or legalization may be necessary. Please consult the website of the German Embassy in the country in which the document was issued.
In some cases, the submission of additional documents may be required.
To hand in your application, please book an appointment on our website via this link.
If you wish to also apply for a visa for other family members, please book an additional appointment and check the information on “Family reunion visa (child to parent or parent to child)„.
Consultation by phone is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m.
Family reunion visa (child to parent or parent to child)
Please prepare the following documents for your family reunion visa (original + 1 copy per document):
- completed application form (see our webpage) to be signed by the parents entitled to custody in case the applicant is a minor
- valid national passport
- valid Belgian residence permit
- residence certificate including the family members from the respective Belgian municipality (composition de ménage/attest gezinssamenstelling)
- birth certificate
- when born in Belgium: Multilingual and monolingual certificate. The certificates must not be older than three months.
- birth certificates from other countries: please check comments on certificates further down
- either marriage certificate of the parents or acknowledgement of paternity
- if applicable: court ruling on legal custody (e.g. decree of custody or divorce)
- only when the applicant is the child: in case of joint parental custody but only one
- parent travels to Germany, declaration of consent
- valid residence certificate (Meldebescheinigung) of the person in Germany
- if the person in Germany is a German or EU citizen: certified copy of or original German passport or identity card
- if the person in Germany is a third country citizen: certified copy or original of the foreign passport and the residence permit for Germany
- proof of health insurance (Confirmation of admission into the family insurance and proof of insurance for the meantime)
- 1 biometrical passport photo (not older than 6 months)
- Visa fee of 75,00 € (cash or by Visa-/Mastercard, Bancontact is not possible)
Please make sure that your documents are complete, as incomplete applications may be rejected. If you do not dispose of a multilingual version of your marriage certificate and if your documents are not in English, German, French or Dutch, please provide a translation into German.
For foreign documents, an apostille or legalization may be necessary. Please consult the website of the German Embassy in the country in which the document was issued. In some cases, the submission of additional documents may be required.
To hand in your application, please book an appointment on our website via this link.
If you wish to apply for a visa for additional family members, please book an additional
appointment and check the information on “Family reunion visa (Spouse).
Consultation by phone is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m.
When your documents are complete, please book an appointment via this link to submit your application.
Further questions?
Consultation by phone is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m.
Submitting your application
In order to submit your application, please attend your appointment at the German Embassy in Brussels in person. Please hand in your complete documentation and pay the fee. The Embassy will ask you questions about your planned trip and take your photograph and fingerprints.
What happens during processing?
The Embassy will review your application and make a decision on whether or not to grant you a visa. To this end, it will check whether your application meets the legal requirements. Depending on the purpose of your trip, it can take up to three months to check your application. The Embassy will contact you as soon as it has made a decision on your application. We hope you will understand that we are not able to answer any questions on the status of your application during this processing period. After that, enquiries are only answered if they are made by the applicant, his/her legal representative or another person authorised in writing by the applicant.
Delivery of the visa
As soon as the Embassy has reached a decision on your application, you can collect your visa upon presentation of your passport.
If your visa application is rejected, you are welcome to submit a new application at any time with complete, informative and verifiable documentation.
Have a good trip! Information for visa holders
If all the information on your visa label is correct, you are free to travel. Please check the information on the label as soon as your passport is returned to you. You should let us know immediately if there are any mistakes so that we can issue you a new visa.
Your visa will state your full name and passport number and include your photo. It will also state the number of days you can stay and the period of validity, that is, the time by which you must have received your residence permit for Germany.
Therefore, please do not forget to register at the residents registration office shortly after you arrive in Germany and to make an appointment with the foreigners authority. Your entry visa will allow you to travel within the Schengen area.